Health and Wellbeing in Agriculture

November 3, 2022
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As well as having a high rate of accidental injury agricultural work is often physically demanding and can be repetitive in nature which can lead to a range of health problems including back, muscle and joint pain. Farm workers are often exposed to bad weather and the effects of chemicals, noise and dust.

The HSE estimate that in 2021 there were 11,000 new or long standing cases of work related ill health in agriculture, forestry and fishing of which 44% were musculoskeletal disorders, such as injuries to the back, arms, shoulders hips, knees etc. Other conditions include respiratory diseases such as occupational asthma and skin cancers from exposure to the sun.

Statistical information about accidents and ill health in agriculture can be found on the HSE’s website at:

This issue is not just limited to agricultural workers in the UK, the Irish Health and Safety Authority (HSA) recently published a Health and Well being guide for Farmer’s. While this is based on farms and farming practices in the Republic Of Ireland, the guidance may be relevant to all agricultural workers in other areas.

The guide looks at issues such as physical activity, healthy eating, coping with stress, back pain, skin, lung and hearing problems and infections from animals.

The guide is free to download from the HAS’s website at:

If you have any questions about workplace health and wellbeing, contact our helpful team using the form below.