Building regulations and The Domestic Fire Safety (Wales) Measure require new residential premises in Wales to be provided with automatic fire suppression. As well as traditional sprinkler systems, there are a number of alternative or innovative fire suppression systems available.
Whatever system is used it is important that it is designed and tested for use in domestic and residential buildings and is fit for the intended purpose.
Automatic water mist systems are one type of alternative fire suppression system that has been demonstrated to be suitable and effective for the protection of spaces on board ships and are increasingly being used for life safety building applications including for domestic and residential premises.
The successful implementation of a water mist system requires an in-depth knowledge of the system and its intended application. With this in mind the Welsh Government has recently published guidance on “Automatic water mist systems for domestic and residential premises”. This guidance is principally aimed at Building Control Bodies however it is also likely to be of interest to system manufacturers, designers and installers.
The guidance includes information on water supplies, detection and activation of the system, nozzles, standards, design, installation and commissioning. Also included is a checklist of questions for the designer, installer and commissioner of the system to provide to Building Control Bodies in order to confirm compliance with the installation standard.
This can be downloaded from the Gov.Wales website at:
Please speak to your normal PIB Risk Management contact or get in touch using [email protected] if you have any questions regarding fire safety or would like to arrange a fire risk assessment for your premises.

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