Recently the Scottish and Welsh governments announced plans to require adults to show a “Covid Passport” before they can attend nightclubs and certain events.
In Wales the measures came into force on 11th October and will apply to:
- Nightclubs
- Indoor, non-seated events for more than 500 people, such as concerts or conventions
- Outdoor non-seated events for more than 4,000 people
- Any setting or event with more than 10,000 people in attendance
All over-18s will need to have a “NHS COVID Pass” to enter, how you obtain your NHS Covid Pass depends on whether you are registered with a GP in England or Wales.
Information about how to obtain an NHS Covid pass in Wales can be found at: and in England
In Scotland the measures came into force on 1st October and will apply to:
- nightclubs
- adult entertainment venues
- unseated indoor live events, with more than 500 people in the audience
- unseated outdoor live events, with more than 4,000 people in the audience
- any event, of any nature, which has more than 10,000 people in attendance
Proof of vaccination will be required to enter these events and adults will required to provide a Vaccine Certificate issued by NHS Inform. Information about how to obtain vaccine certificate can be found at:
In all cases a paper alternative is available for those who are unable to use the smartphone app versions of the document. Software should be in place to enable event organisers to check the pass / certificates of attendees.
We have not yet seen details of what systems will be in place to allow event organisers to recognise passes / certificates issued by other jurisdictions.
Relevant press releases and further information can be found at:
It is not currently planned to make Covid passes a legal requirement in England, however venues can operate voluntary schemes using the NHS Covid Pass.
If you would like advice on NHS Covid Passes, please get in touch using [email protected] or speak to your normal PIB Group contact.

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